John Lewis of Georgia is a significant voice who has affected me. Both of those ideas start with a pretty small idea of God." Sorry I had never heard of you before. many thanks. We sold our house. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. I started with Where Is God When It Hurts? and I just read Christians and Politics, Uneasy Partners. Im 35 now and since that time, I have followed all your works. Thus this book has particularly interested me. How perfect that you are using Gods comfort for you to extend comfort to others (See 2 Corinthians 1). Your books are a great help for my spiritual growth, but I must say, Ive never been angry with God and never questioned God as Father and his Son as my Savior. Blessings! For weeks, social media were all over it. But its JESUS! God was at the side of the 343 firefighters climbing the towers on September 11, 2001? But they dont satisfy the soul. Just this summer I have been reading your book and it is speaking to me very clearly and refreshing my heart! Sorry! Dear Sirs, He shook my hand, and said twice said, Father Richard you are a good man.. It changed how I perceived life and approached strengthening my relationship with the Jesus that I could relate too, and based on His life, Im sure He can relate to me. I have read most, if not all, of your books. I hope you know this history. Can you give me your source? This continues to haunt me for some reason and I am continuing to pray for him. I wish I could help, Mariana, but its impossible for me to send an e-book to another country. Im grateful you took the time to write and I am thankful for the open discussion youre willing to have with all your readers. I will not mention what religion I was raised, nor the denomination of my friends church because it is not about the religion it truly is about our relationship with Him! Faced with an unexpected challenge, we seek out self help books. Angela (Alberta, Canada). Philip, Mr. Yancey, Zadok Online, (July 9, 2007), Gordon Preece and Paul Mitchell, "Treasure Hunting with Philip Yancey," author interview. Prayer: Thank you Lord for Your sacrifice, your unconditional love and for Your hope. I often wish I could have met you in person to say thank you; but I do believe that one day, in the light and joy of the redeemed world we are all longing for, I will. This is our home, and this is all weve got. Scott Carpenter, Mecury 7, When youre finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and youre going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell cant we learn to live together like decent people. Frank Borman, Apollo 8, You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. As a famous columnist and best-selling author, he reached an enviable summit. And Perhaps until that fine day, He sees most of us as being just temporarily out of order. In 2009, Christopher Lance Neal was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment on charges that included sexual offenses involving minors, both boys and girls. If so please let me know where to send you a copy. Philip Yancey: We met at the Bible college I mentioned. We look forward to more wonderful books. Thank you so much for your book Whats So Amazing About Grace?! Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?, Zondervan (Grand Rapids, MI), 2006. Philip, Hi I too was refreshed to hear your take on evangelicals support of Donald Trump. As a respected scholar you almost certainly know better than I that discrimination against gay people is at its heart discrimination based on gender. The tone you use to characterize the Bible college you attended is almost snide. He welcomes your prayers. Writing is hard work, done in isolation, and the only feedback I get comes from something I worked on months or years ago. What the kid does not know is that the parent denying them the chocolate worries more about their wellbeing, the effect sugar has on their health right before bedtime, their teeth and all the chocolate theyve already eaten that day. I make a simple mistake and you are all over me.. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I recently attended a Young Life camp for military families at Trail West in May of this year. I want to thank you for your honest approach in your writings, and many of your books had helped me through thick and thin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 Philip Yancey. Youve written a lot about how your racist upbringing and how youve worked to overcome it. Something completely random and yet connected happened to me in the same week that Spilsby took my couch. This is the glory of a government by the people which none of us would change for a moment. (With Paul Brand) Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants, HarperCollins (New York, NY), 1993. Hi Philip, And the one like it? I ask since I only managed to find a few of such resources, of which only a few I find to be helpful. It is my sincere hope that you will consider my case and use the authority given to you by God to defend the vulnerable members of our society. Its not just about black verses white, but also greed, inequality, poverty, violence, rape, and local people blaming foreign African shop owners for taking jobs away from locals. I have spoken to various pastors, councellors etc and they all spew the same garbage and meaningless words. Philip, Mr. Yancey, But my son is a delight and has grown into a fine man with a child of his own. I have had open and helpful conversations with the leadership of the school I attended and we are on most excellent terms, so I havent gone behind their backs. More, I dont use the name of that school because Im aware that some of what I write might hurt them. You are the one on the front lines of grace. Hillery, or as I call her, Hitlery, has proven over the years to be very anti- Christian . Thank you very much. I grew a garden and ate acorns, dandelions and wild apples (after first removing the worms). Thats the topic of my book Vanishing Grace, which may not yet be published in Brazil. Simply dumbfounded. U gave me more questions. Wow! Let me try that sentence again with a substitution: For us who believe in Germanic gods, the death and resurrection of Odin is proof positive that love is stronger than hate, that life is stronger than death, that light is stronger than darkness, that laughter and joy, and compassion and gentleness and truth, all these are so much stronger than their ghastly counterparts. Or better, how about from my perspective, For us who are non-believers, my life experience is proof positive that love is stronger than hate, that life is stronger than death, that light is stronger than darkness, that laughter and joy, and compassion and gentleness and truth, all these are so much stronger than their ghastly counterparts. Why use Jesus? When we find churches with decent preaching, we are often judged or find that the church has a strong sub-culture of modern identity and a lack of hospitality and love. You are putting into actual practice what I write about. It was a good effort, though! newsletter January 21, 2008 reproduced in, Soul Survivor: How My Faith Survived the Church, "Library of Congress Authority Record: Yancey, Philip", "Soul Survivor Philip Yancey "About the Author",, Official biography by Zondervan Publishing,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 02:40. Im sure you have an opinion on the matter. To be honest (or TBH, Dad as my girls now say to me). By the time I had given out about 15 stamps/cards, word had gotten around to Paul. Enjoy! I got to hear firsthand many of the stories you talked about. Painful and therapeutic to me all at the same time. I am not on facebook only email. My request is this, of all the aspects of grace your book covers and the hundreds of illustrations it contains, can you suggest a couple sections of the book that you might focus on if you were speaking to a group of men about grace? Much of my childhood prayer life was spent begging God to save me from the horrors of hell, in the fear that I was not sincere enough in my young faith to truly be saved. My father asked me to read, The Question That Never Goes Away. I did. christie street animal hospital. For a while I have been wanting to send you a message and yesterday, I stumbled across a video featuring a talk of yours in Hong Kong (True Happiness?), prompting me to send you a note! Beyond that, what can I say? I believe I am one of those, as I frequently view myself as a Christian agnostic, if that makes sense. I just felt the need to let you know this and encourage you to continue! Wow. And, now, after reading Where the Light Fell it makes much more sense. I wanted to take this moment and tell you the impact this book as made upon me. We talked for quite a while, and I gave him a couple of books and the names of marriage counsellors outside the system. So incarnate. Then Imam Ramazan, who was also in the meeting, added that I had gone into my own office one day, locked the door and refused to open it for them. My HIV-pos. Hi Philip- I am involved in the integration of Faith & Video Games. Hi, Gordon, Following is the few questions. I told him that I had to go, and ended the call. He threw me up against the wall, shouted at me to get out, and pushed me forcefully out of the door and back into the hallway. The spiritual insights I learned are amazing. I have weird tastes in movies. ", Yancey tackles the issue of prayer in Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? Where is God When It Hurts had such a profound influence upon my life because I had not realized until then that pain and trouble were not the enemy. The fact that youre asking the question indicates youre well on the way to health. They say, We loan because: We care about human beings and understand that it takes people to help people. The Christians say, We loan because: Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. I love reading your books- l have most of them-. The same moment I felt the need to write to you. I first came across staff from Dilaram houses ( YWAM) in Switzerland in 1975, I was searching for a purpose in life and they invited me to their Centre in Heerde,Holland where I went in early March 1976 . We have so much in common, mainly the entire Protestant Bible (of course, Catholics accept a few extra books in addition). I am reading your book Prayer, Does It Make Any Difference. Having experienced sexual abuse as a teenager, I knew firsthand about its devastating effects. None for a few years, but I saw them for so long that I do believe in them. Sorry, I dont know Polish. He considered himself Epicurean and theres little doubt that phrases like unalienable rights, all men are created equal and others stem from TJs understanding of Epicurus. It is a delicate flower and it must be cared for. Dear Mr. Phillip Yancey, He has overcome much anger over the years. Mark Dickson not Capt. I dont think I expressed enough how amazing you are. I was about to go and have my own memos signed by AWI Amanda, so I thought it would be a kind gesture to also take Pauls memos at the same time. If I knew this webpage exists, I would have come earlier. I have read Prayer and it fundamentally changed my prayer life. Your books have opened my mind to a different world of being a believer. Phil tries to reassure me over and over that just faith that God is in control offers great comfort and peace. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. Although he was raised in the south with the racial prejudices of his sub-culture, he had a wide variety of friends and experiences that allowed him to evaluate what was right and good. You express thoughts so well as if your words are directly from Christ loving, forgiving, non-judgmental, compassionate and caring for the hopeless and marginalized of this world. Its just excruciating to watch. The ugliness of the world does not need to pull us down which was something that was beginning to get to me until I chanced upon your book. At first, I didnt want to grab the book because the book was thicker than I thought But what is the truth. With hundreds of different denominations within the Christian faith, how do we really know Since then, Ive been through a confusing, but very revealing, journey which will be too long to write about in this already long comment. It was not that big an issue. It cannot be found anywhere in the Bible, the Apocrypha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, the Pseudepigrapha, the Talmud, Mishna, or any other Jewish source. His musings on these questions eventually formed the basis for his book, Where Is God When It Hurts?, an award-winning volume that has sold over 500,000 copies. Years ago i read Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and still am impacted by it today. My Bishop, Archbishop Scott McLaughlin, was to complete the Immigration work permit. How do you look at the topic of election / predestination? Jesus never left my side and you helped me see and understand that. Thats good youre asking these questions while young! The question can basically be summed up as, How can a reflective Christian remain sane while holding an orthodox view of Hell?. I was put in a derelict house ,the walls were gone from all the rooms and bushes were there instead,the toilet had fallen through the floor,no water ,no shower ,it was termite ridden and I was terrified. I would really enjoy meeting you but would be pleased to converse via e-mail as well. Dear Mr. Yancey, Many of the victims families comment, I have forgiven him in an expression of closure, or some other Christian-like behavior. Anti-Semitism in the Chaplaincy Office Im so grateful to Philip Yancey for helping me understand modern Christianity better. [pyasst], You are caring for exactly the kind of people Jesus cared for. One time Paul also deliberately scheduled his own services to interfere with my own, after a mutually agreeable schedule had already been agreed upon in writing [25] [26]. It is a powerful book with a needed message, as are your other books. But so many of us prayed and then (I believe) God gave us a new candidate McMullin was asked to run at last minute, he is not a power-grabber. I do not want you touching my memos! We live on an invaded planet, and trust that God plans restoration someday. I was washed with comfort. Even days after that final judgement, I was not able to focus on my work life seemed too heavy to face. I found it thrilling to write about my heroes. One day Paul told me, You were involved in homosexual acts. She was respected enough by her community that they listened to her account about Jesus and let her lead them to him. On the 6th I was one of your several drivers and took you to the venue the school where you spoke and dropped you back. But I understand your intent, and am glad you waited so long to bless me with your kind and generous words. Youre quite welcome to post this. But I actually came away from it with a huge burden for Richard. The problem is finding the right fire! At times, it seemed that the only people that did not deny the problems that to me were as plain as day were the people who most vehemently rejected the faith that I was holding on to. I have been a Christian for at least 35 years in a church that has historically placed a very strong emphasis on the doctrines of grace. These things are not true, and Paul had no right to say them. To take this poor sinner, absent from God for so long, and to change his life into one of service, one of repentance, one of pastoring is almost beyond belief. It has been long enough that I am not sure what it is going to take to get me to go back. For a variety of reasons, I eventually left the Pentecostals and became a Baptist. I wanted to share it with you, just in case you were able some day to pass it on to someone who could benefit. Church, my home church. Upon my arrival I was told that there was no position for me. Hi, Mr. Yancey After doing this for one year, they offered to build a small apartment for me in their basement. I was soon to find out that, just like Threshold Ministries, the care facility did not abide by this order either. While reading Whats So Amazing About Grace? God impressed on me to teach and write about forgiveness. Commenting on Kens thoughtful response, it would appear to me when the Son/ Mediator asked the Father/Judge to forgive His crucifiers it was because Jesus had already done so and precisely because they had not: .While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.. Maybe twenty years ago I found your books, and your unique mix of artistry, doubt, compassion, and Sehnsucht cast a vision for me as a young believer. St. Augustine teaches that the future is unknowable, which is also hinted at in many places in the Bible. He makes me think. Ramazan had not obtained a signed gate pass, and his bag had not been scanned as he came in. A subsequent letter of dismissal from the Bridges of Canada head office in Fredericton praised me for my dedication but also failed to include a reason for my dismissal [37]. Over the years Ive been helped by writers such as Scott Peck (especially his People of the Lie), Gerald May, James Fowler, and James Hillman to understand the stages of faith we go through. That made me refer back to the year 2016. you write next! Im still working on it (being more grace-ful). I have purchased the Participants Guide (Zondervan 2000) and the DVD (both have the pink cover with pasture and fence). My lovely wife does not attend church with me, or share in regular bible reading, but she does believe in God. I dont have a sense of a grace-less God and it occurs to me that you and God Himself are probably why. We desperately need people to speak some spiritual sanity here. Is he able, but not willing? Could you be kind enough to recommend a book I can buy for her? For some reason when I was deep in my pit, where I had become comfortable living, I picked up that book again. I am from the Philippines, and as you might have known, our president is somehow similar to your Donald Trump. [20] I have heard nothing further about this letter. In late 2015, around the same time as my interview with the Summerside RCMP regarding Gord Dominey, Dr. Beckner from Bridges of Canada called me to ask if I was interested in a prison chaplains job at the Stony Mountain Institution in Winnipeg. The book you have written revolutionized my theology of grace and other essential doctrines. Its the easy way to try to sell a book because who wants to hear the true gospel that requires sacrifice and calls for repentance? Im honored to be a fellow pilgrim with you. Actually, his views on abortion have been very mixed over the years, so I wouldnt count on it Philip, An article in CP politics has you wondering about voting for Donald Trump for pres. And its really very interesting. The Director of the Church Army did nothing to stand up for me with the loss of my prison job. I was raised much the way you were and heard constantly that a Chrisitans hope was to saved and go to heaven. a song in the front yard literary devices; the owl house fanfiction protective eda; kohl's credit card payment; Blog Post Title February 26, 2018. There are so many more things I want to tell you. Hello Philip. My aunt and uncle introduced me to your books almost 15 years ago. Do not touch my things! He said this over and over again. I cannot get past all of this for some reason. Hey have you checked out Evan McMullin for President? Despite his renunciation of strict fundamentalism, Yancey remained religiously active and, after college, he began writing for the Christian magazine Campus Life. Jesus has my faith well in hand but Philip Yancey has helped me keep my sanity. The Deputy Wardens response to my comments was to praise me. Philip. Although I have strong opinions on the topic, Ive struggled to express them in a way consistent with the fruits of the spirit. If you read, say, Job, Psalms, Habakkuk, the complaints against God and criticism of how creation works are stark and obvious. To further raise awareness of religious discrimination at the Edmonton Institution, I reported this incident to Commissioner Head after my dismissal. She even mentioned Target Stores on US. We prayed together, and he asked if he could come and talk with me on an ongoing basis. God asks us to be obedient, and disobedience is our human trademark. Philip. Pauls claim that I was not wanted here were clearly false, as further confirmed by e-mails from Warden Clovis and AWI Susan Letendre [28] [29].