Lying and cheating. I no longer need a woman in my life again. It is one of the most dominant aspects in my natal chart.It makes me an ultimate romantic, feminine, sensitive and nurturing. Aquarius isn't usually quick to anger, but if they feel you're being fake with them, that can change in a hurry. and aquarius woman needs to react in the same way in order to stay sane and not have her heart broke i feel very lonely for companionship with this relationship. If a Pisces Man Aquarius Woman relationship is going to work out then he will be the one to put in all the effort. She lives in one house, and I live in the other. My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. They can have that with a Scorpio too, but Scorpios do have a tendency to sting their loved ones, which can push and shake up an Aquarius. crushed by my own heart, my own love, my own passion, my own honor, my own life He was only 64 at that time. Aquarius is a good match for this person because Aquarius can't put up with the false. It is not a common thing to meet someone so close and it is hard to loose him. I am older now but I am still Aquarius, just an older version hahaha. Great lovers they are not and never were! A Libra . Likewise. Dreamy more than secretive, does tend to keep cards close to chest, not easily open to just anyone. Which when we was together, I help him get everything he wanted. OH HOW TRUE. I am truly in love with his soul. My pisces feels annyoed and suffocated when I call him at random times to talk, so I call mr scorpio and he is always open to talk and listen. 13. I would not worry. 3. They are very different people, and they do not naturally understand each other. Its quite hard not to be. Make your Pisces man forget every other woman and go absolutely crazy for you. So sorry your Pisces man was jealous and insecure, my Pisces, the only man who ever truly loved me and cared for me was never jealous, he gave me space but nevertheless made me feel loved and protected, my best friend who was always there for methe chemistry we had Ive never experienced since then, but Ive been told he is my twin flame, I made one big mistake in my life and that was to leave him.Sent from Yahoo7 Mail on Android. I know she fell in love very quickly, while I took my time as pisces does in love. This is not only true in our relationship, but from what Ive observed in his relationships with his family and friends. Aquarius woman is adventurous and wont mind Pisces taking control. Being consistent will take you much farther than a few huge love gestures. A month at the very longest. There is a sayingIF YOU LOVE SOMETHING, SET IT FREE, IF IT COMES BACK TO YOU ITS YOURS, AND IF IT DOESNT IT NEVER WAS. 11) absolutly not only because we truly dont care about money. Its just for myself, I dress modestly and I am not an attention seeker. Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces all have emotions that run deep, but for different reasons. Just remember if it is possible for yourself to be loyal and just want one person, it is possible for the other person as well! If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. This feels much more relevant to our relationship than other posts Ive read about this pairing. 6. YOU lady are not using your headYou have been brainwashed by this man. This article definitely reassured me that I made the right choice. He likes being close to his partner and never shies away from PDA. An aquarius male is trying to get to create a Go Here aquarius and aquarius woman and so. To make a Pisces guy attracted to you, you need to show him some affection, too. My Pieces man is the most lovable, caring and the most emotionally intelligent man I have ever dated. First. Their bodies can go through the motions and sex can be great, but they wont feel completely bonded until their minds completely come together. For this reason, with a few exceptions, they are not very good matches by zodiac sign. Our connection, chemistry and attraction was amazing. Obviously cant speak for all pieces Males, but as a Pisces sun /capricorn moon? The short answer is - yes. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. We dont like anyone knowing everything and enjoy our privacy plus being alone with our thoughts. Their mutual curiosity about each other will be enough at first to make Aquarius and Pisces sexually compatible. Pisces also tend to be loners, they want A LOT of private or alone time. 20) yes but with personal things. No. SO its ALL now in the past, doesnt matter now!!! However as they age they actually do mellow out in a lot of ways I have noticed. I really wanted her to be happy. Others prefer to keep their distance and are most comfortable when they have a partner who respects their personal space. You are exactly right, Oracle!As life would have it, she and I planned before we were born, that she would divorce me after our kids were grown I know this because she visited me after she passed away just 9 weeks ago. Trust and communication are the biggest issues in this partnership. He left for 9 mos. An Aquarius woman collects friends. I was recently talking to him about how I dont know where the relationship with the pisces is going, and with his scorpio powers he somehow got me talking about what I am really REALLY looking for in a relationship which is eventaully marriage and children. Sometimes Pisces feels lost, confused, and misunderstood in this world. Before I was in my relationship yeah it was just sex and I detached from it, but being with someone who cares so much about you is way more valuable to an Aquarius female. In this, we see the clear distinction between Aquarius and Pisces. He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs and finally in 2001 we divorced. Most of the time, she prefers her Pisces man to show his friendship before his love. He is manipulating you and controlling you and abusing you emotionally and doing all manner of evil to you. So my word isnt absolute. We are friends I feel, who are in a relationship at the same time. He was only 64 at that time. We fit together like a glove, he is my best friend and a perfect partner. Consecutive signs often share traits, regardless of element. But not afraid to voice frustrations after enough provoking. On a personal front, Im not one for committing first which is probably a product of insecurity caused by the fear of rejection. Because they are so imaginative, a Pisces guy is drawn to a woman who is as creative as he is. A Pisces woman is empathetic, intuitive, and dreamy, while an Aquarius man is known for his intelligence, independence, and rebellious nature. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. At that time I was young only 20 and I didnt know what was what. Aquarius is most attracted to Geminis, Leos, and Libras. I am super independent and in some ways I am relieved that I still dont have a boyfriend. TONY I am an Aquarius woman and have been for a very long time. This means that the longer they are together, the more likely it is that they will stay together. Have a good talk with her about your concerns, which for Pisces can be daunting. He showed signs of anger, throwing pots and pans and even putting hi fist into wallsscreaming at me only b/c I was friendly with everyone and he was jealous. Theyre usually so negative and hopeless, but this one gets much closer to how beautiful and complicated our partnership is. Most serial killers fall under Pisces). It is not necessarily physical passion, but a closeness and romance of the mind. And ladies, since we support girl power, we just wanted to let you in on a little secret: if you're looking for love, you just might have men hounding around you because of your scent. I just like to be more safe than sorry I think. If this relationship doesnt last, according to this description Im beelining for a Pisces man! Yes now I know these things, but when I was very young I didnt realize any of it, and thus didnt know what to do or think really. At least for me personally. Your email address will not be published. I am really only a I have met a Gemini man recently and am way MORE compatible with a Gemini than I ever was with a Pisces 5. Having a little time apart and retaining your independence is a great way to keep a Pisces guy interested in you and spice up the relationship. If Im putting in the effort then the commitment is already there. Aquarius Man with Pisces Woman Love Compatibility, Aquarius Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Pisces Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs. Were understanding, theres no need to be secretive if were in a serious relationship. Logical and straight forward. It probably doesnt hurt that his mercury & venus are in Aquarius. He finds her very appealing and will want to talk to her and get to know her. I met a gemini man and wow we are so compatible. Quick replies are a must 6. I am a Pisces man and I got out of a relationship with an aquarius women last year and we were going out for 3 years prior to the break up and a bit on and off through out the time frame, but we were so deeply in love with each other and passionate for each other its still to this day one of the best relationships I have ever had. In reality, the Aquarius woman is not such a wild card as she's made out to be. We were separated for sometime but seems like the universe wanted us together because we found a way back together. Whether they have an officially recognized marriage or whether they just live together for decades, the longer they are together, the better the odds are of them staying together. Hope this helps! 18. To describe the Aquarius man and Pisces woman affair only takes three words: Night and day. On a personal level no makeup, narcissism or pretentiousness. Aries Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Its not a kink or fantasy but actually a strong emotional need.I am in anyway not suggesting to paint each other with blood but I have my reasons to specifically ask for this.I will explain this so that men can benefit from this information and may find it useful in future even if they arent with an Aquarius woman(squeamish people please dont read ahead).Some women may not desire it at all due to period cramps and bloating but other women like myself experience high increase in libido during PMS and period which is caused by hormonal changes.This desire is all time high compared to other times of the month because ovulation starts 14 days after the first day of period as the female body is getting ready to become pregnant.I feel most feminine, most vulnerable, most aroused and most emotional and in need of my partner during PMS and period.Its one of the most intimate experiences one can have with the partner.Obviously there are less messy ways to do it like wearing protection, putting a dark towel on the bed or doing it in the shower. An Aquarius woman will like how easy-going and laid-back a Pisces man is. The Aquarius woman is wise to suggest a short getaway. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with a piscean. But Id prefer not to be one at all for personal and logical reasons. Aquarius is constantly critically looking at the world and questioning its reality. We definitely dwindle in our own dreamland as opposed to being secretive. I dont understand him. Being a pragmatic sign, Aquarius tends to put their feelings and emotions aside to understand the mad and frustrated sentiments of a passionate Pisces, which eases the emotional clutter. The only difference here is that Aquarius woman will be open about not wanting to give a promise. Thats highly dependent on the situation. WKR. But I can tell you I am done with her games and I am thinking of quitting. I wont give up in her that easy, for I breathe her 24/7, I want her in my life I am about to provide her my writings about me, about how, when, why I fell in love with her. He is completely devoted to a partner and will do anything for her. 10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. 14. There's a built-in relationship riddle, that for Aries Venus guys, harmony is found through creating sparks! Seems like good chemistry (at least for us). How should I move forward with my Aquarius woman ? 11. 4. Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio respectively. You wanna get your rocks off, have a wank. It feels like we are mean to be, but pisces and aquarius both like a lot of space in a relationship and mind reading does not create space! She displayed all the personality traits that make her so unique and she whispered something I said to her a magic word, so to speak a phrase that was quirky, charmingvand whimsical, just as I had whispered to her for a reason I couldnt exolsin until now: she wanted to show me that her visit was surely not my imagination. They lived in Ga. Your email address will not be published. Although he is sensitive, a Pisces man would always prefer that his partner be honest with him than lie to spare his feelings. 6 th Tip: Get interested Not hot or cold, just tire of the woman not being open, hiding or not being honest about her feels. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. Because the scents of perfume really vary between women and men, men are so attracted to woman's perfume and they find it to be extremely sensual. Any man can be. Air and water makes fog, which is confusing and hides reality. For this reason, he may not discuss his feelings and expect her to just know what he wants and needs. 15. The Aquarius man heads off to a job at the office. Hi Pisces101, am a true blue Aquarius. In fact, they are highly - and strangely - compatible. After a year of my late husbands passing. Ill be blunt, and some of the answers may stem from my own personal deep-seated issues and psychological problems, because at the end of the day people do have varying upbringings and disorders. Pisces lives life doing what only he wants to do, so if he is with you that is exactly where he wants to be. After I said what I said. But is this the kind of man you want to be with? Am now in touch with my emotions fully and seriously. Pisces Man and Aquarius woman do not connect emotionally. I think aquarius is the one that needs to make the moves in this pairing which is hard because we are never chasers and we are used to fire and air sign men jumping through hoops to even get a date. He may be confused when it comes to a quick decision, but he is more than willing to give his all to someone he loves whether it be his lover or a family member. 5. Dont forget because you get busy and wrapped up in the newest fun and cool thing! Most of our arguments are about how I feel about something hes done and he flips it and says I hurt his feelings bringing it up which really p*sses me off cause how does my feelings and how I feel hurt his feelings it makes no freaking sense I just feel like hes trying to get me to apologize for my feelings? Funny thing is he has tons of women wanting him because he makes them think he is so sweet and emotional, little do they know he is empty inside and has the coldest heart! He expressed kind of the same things youve expressed. 13. I love my pisces, and he is good to me, as in he puts in the minimum effort to keep me satisfied and doesnt betray me, but I still feel I want more. I have zero hope for him. She initially spills her all to her new Pisces man lover in hopes that he actually listens to what she has to say. What is she doing that makes you feel this way? 2. These two dont really understand each other very well. I love him and he loves me but he is just so passive. Once a pisces woman and . Any aquarians and pisces married couples on here? Absolutely terrible. I have never met someone like him. I am just dating several (typical Aquarius) and trying to find one that I am suitable for and that is also suitable for meThe truth will prevail hopefully by the end of spring. And an Aquarius womans independence can make a Pisces man feel suspicious and unloved, leading to a severe lack of trust. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Why a Pisces Man Suddenly Becomes Distant? If he is successful, the two will have to work out the bugs in their relationship to make it last. The man needs help, but guess what? 14. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. Even if life forces us apart, I will make sure I am always in his life. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. He will not le you fail at this. YES we are more detached from emotions, but I assure you the sexual connection we share with someone we love trumps any fling or one night stand. 5. She isnt talking to other guys. He knows how to bring me back when I have had enough yet he goes back to the same old nasty human being he was before. She worked at my doctors office, so I only saw her about every three months, but it was evident she liked me, she was turned on by my presence. If you want to make yourself attractive to a Pisces guy, tell him about the volunteer work you are doing, and invite him to join you. He has to connect mentally with me b/c of who I am. Aquarius women cant stand weakness. This secret text message will make a Pisces man addicted to you. I really believe he is the love of my life and I will do all I can to make it work. He and I divorced finally after the 34 yrs. More often yes than no. Yet, you lasted 20 years with one & 8 years with the other one lol. I hope this helps! Is the any Aquarian woman who could give some advice or suggestions? Thanks. Her heart cannot be pinned down to one location for too terribly long unless shes quite mature and ready to stay in one spot. I am also in a long distance relationship with a pisces. The dreamer things is something others just have to roll with and the alone time is usually just our time to recharge because we are like emotional and vibrational sponges and so to become normal again we need some time were no one is around and therefore we arent receiving any others nearby energy.