Rosa Manzanedo. Ron was born August 28, 1942 Read More, Graciela Carranza's passing on Sunday, February 12, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ., Nogales international. This must be remedied by tax(Turn To Page Five)Nogales Tc BeInStateTournament(By JOE DUPUY)Having copped the runnerup honor in the previous southern districttournament held at Douglas, theNogales Apaches prepared today toplay the last game of the regularseason tonight with the strong Phoenix Indians at the local gymnasium.After tonights game the Apacheswill resume basketball practice Monday to stay in top shape for theannual state basketball tournament,which will take place in Tucsonnext Thursday with sixteen of thebest cage quintets in the state competing.Following the stellar play whichthe locals displayed in the districttournament which they lost to thestrong Tucson Badgers in the finals,the Apaches will be in the role ofrevenge seekers tonight whenthey play host to the Phoenix Indians which administered a terrific46 to 31 lacing on them earlier in1 the season when the Apaches in! Legal | The clubcelebrated its 25th anniversary.Three new members joined the club:Mesdames Houston, Van Gorder andKlene. saw Valdez gun anddidnt know he was an officer . \ \ / \For the sore travail that rcaused theyislons and despairs, mymother, forgive me. Chronicling America is sponsored jointly by the National Endowment for the Humanities external link and the Library of Congress. Prepare a personalized obituary for someone you loved.. Search Nogales obituaries and condolences, hosted by Gold and Silver in i aample .. ~ SI.OOGold, SUver, Lead and Copper in 1 ea topic Sk.nOLead, Copper, Zinc, Hangaareae, Iron, Lime, Grapmte, II Sulphur, Inaolubles (fold |or silver alone) each SI.OO IDiscounts on larre amount*. She was preceded in death by her husband, Daniel Alvidrez Read More, Victor Montanez's passing on Thursday, February 23, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. sustained while unloading lumber.Mrs. 20, 1928, in Antafagasta, Chile.Her guardian is Mrs. Belen Carter, 412 Elm street.Jim Titcomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Titcomb, 532 Crawford street, was born at Nogales May 13,1930.Frances Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Peterson, 207 Ellis street, was born hereMarch 2, 1930.ELGIN NEWS(By MRS. JAMES PARKER)Mrs. Stone Collie from the Mustang Guest Ranch near Elgin was ashopper in Nogales Wednesday.Mrs. J. LOWEFORSCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County SchoolSuperintendent subject to thedecision of the voters at the Julyprimary election.CORA EVERHARTFOR SUPERVISORI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for County Supervisor in District No. SpivFRANCES PETERSONMrs. M. MUNOZ, Prop.Cleaning, Pressing RepairingAnd DyeingAsk Any Customer143 Sonoita Ave. R. P. Innskeep, Mrs. Hugo Miller, Mrs. Roy Cheshire, Mrs. Andrew Bettwy, Mrs. Fred Edwards,Mrs. This is onesimple way by which we can all show the veteransthat we still remember and appreciate what they havedone for us.One reason why so much bologney is written thesedays is because so many writers have so much spaceto fill up regularly.Never try to earn a fortune by a smart investmentespecially when some salesman is telling you howto manage your money.Good health should not be a luxury and it mightnot be, if adults would see that children receive proper training and treatment.Those who seek the truth must first establish anunbiased mind and divest it of personal interests. Obituary of Victoria Vaughan Victoria Sue Vaughan, 72, of Tucson, Arizona passed away on Monday, February 27, 2023. *******FLOWER SHOWTomorrow at the Womans Clubrooms, the Nogales Womans Clubwill sponsor its second flower show,and, in view of the success of theone last spring, everyone is anticipating the display of manybeautiful garden blooms. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 6 min ago. If you want to find death notices alongside Nogales International obits, follow these tips: The Nogales International records are invaluable sources of historical HeadyVice President; Kingman In 1941A vigorous defense of his administration by Gov. LA. C. CrenshawPhone 675(Cortlnufld From Page 3)Sunday from Phoenix, where shehas been for some time past, visiting Miss Edna Cheshire. (adv)Senator Patterson of Yavapai county, candidate for the Democraticnomination for Attorney General,is expected here for the Knights ofColumbus convention.P. Copyright Three members withdrew atthis meetirtg. 1Your Vote Will Be GladlyAppreciatedA. E. Lee,Clerk of the aid Superior Court.H. December 14, 2022 (96 years old) View obituary. Phone 40A. $ Tgsgparr:* jSrPAGE THREEcoming to the border field locatedat Col. Procters Pete Kitchen ranchon the Tucson road. With the Nogales International obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Arizona, it's important to know how to perform a Nogales International obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. and Mrs. Charles S. Smith.SCOUTS HELP IN DRIVEThe Cub and Boy Scouts of America are doing their part in the RedCross drive by distributing to stores.Those who helped were Bill Moery,ARMY NAVYATTENTIONCitizens Os Santa Cruz CountyAMVETSAmerican Veterans of World War IINogales Post No. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. E. CRENSHAW. OKeefeDeputy Clerk., (Ist Pub. To engage in the business ofInsuring Titles to Real Estate andMortgage Guarantees and of preparing and issuing abstracts andcertificates of title and certifyingas to the condition of record of titleof any real estate or personal property as it appears from public records, and to purchase, build, leaseor otherwise acquire and own abstract books or plants.9. erary success this week when hisI artic l " South of the Border appeared in the Saturday EveningPost, considered by authorities asone of the best American popularmagazines.i The writer is a brother of JulioPina, Jr., of the First NationalBank and Mrs. James Manson ofNogales. Nogales International Airport (OLS) located in Nogales, Arizona, United States. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. ,County Recorder Mary Bettwy andCounty Treasurer C. Mignardot were Iamong Nogalians attending theTownsend Club dance at SonoitaSaturday night.hjSend tor descriptive folder Vakmiatiefe d&xmtitillustrated Maidi Cnt TiwtfporttfiaiiProgram for the asking Line*iLobtyOF WINTERBISBEE-NOGALESVia Tombstone, Fairb* ik,Sonoita and Patagon *LEAVE (East BoundNogales ll:3Q\.m.Patagonia l2:Sop.m.Sonoita 1:00 p.m.Fairbanks 2:00 p.m.Tombstone 2:3o p.m.Bisbee 4:00 p m(Arrive)Douglas . It was grown by ChacoI Sheep Company and Echeniquebrothers, of Casa Grande.Lee said sales last week werefirm with growers getting between| 27 and 29 cents a pound in the! Theyre doing a better job every year.CITIZENS UTILITIES COMPANYGasElectricityIceBilly Enringer, Mark Moore, RonniePerkins, Jerry Perkins, Kirby Fox,Paul Bracker, Joe Wise, Jim Robins,Fred Lemier, George Parks, MauriceWoodward and Robert Wanless.PAGE SIXFormer State Senator JimmieMinotto of Maricopa county, accompanied by his wife and son anddaughter -in - law passed throughhere Friday on a two week trip toMazatlan. She was born Jan. 27, 1914, in Lordsburg, N.M. Mary was born Read More, Obituary of Arthur Al Guerrero Arthur Al Guerrero, 48 years old, of Arizona City, born and raised in his hometown Mommoth AZ, passed away on Read More, Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy. J. K. McBRIDE, SecretaryBy Doris LewisSTATE OF ARIZONA ))ss.County of Santa Cruz )I hereby certify that the withininstrument was filed and recordedat the request of F. A. French Mar.31 A. D. 1930 at 9:45 A. M. Book 2Art. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. Accessibility | MbHome Bakery! To lay out, subdivide, resubdivide, and generally improve tractsof land and sell same, either by suchsubdivision or resubdivision.4. the three having been members !of machine gun company of the i158th Arizona Infantry.Mr. E. Jackson, Mrs. Alfred Kerr,Miss Betty Kerr, Mrs. G. M. Gullekson, Miss Avis Gullekson, Mrs.W. Nogales international. Forgive me my pride in myyouth and my glory in my strength that forgot the holiness of your years andthe veneration of your weakness, for my neglect, for my selfishness, for all thegreat debts of your love that I have not paid, mother, sweet mother, forgive me.And may the peace and the joy that passeth all understanding be yours,my mother, forever and ever. Gale (Gaga as SHE Read More, Obituary of Amelia J Sanchez Amelia J. Sanchez October 21, 1929 to January 31, 2023 It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Read More, Diana Savory's passing on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 has been publicly announced by Martinez Funeral Chapels - Nogales in Nogales, AZ. Jones Tuesdaymorning as he struck back at criticsof his regime.The old departments of Arizonaare running on the same budgetsas they have been receiving for several years and all are living withinSonora BoostedBy HighwayMagazineOn a trip through southern Ari| zona, Harold Wrenn, assistant di! To act as executor, administrator, guardian of persons and estates,assignee, receiver, trustee, and registrar of stocks and bonds.8. C. MEDLEN AGENCYPhone 98 223 Morley AvenueFOR BEST BAKINGDIAMOND M FLOURStandard Family Flour for 40 YearsBUY IT FROM YOUR GROCERESCALADA BROTHERSWHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORSHayden HoldsImportant PostsIn G.O.P. IF YOU BAKE AT HOMEuse Fleischmanns active, fresh Yeastwith the familiar yellow label. 3Now Serving Third TermFOR SHERIFFI hereby announce myself as acandidate for the Democraticnomination for Sheriff, subjectto the decision of the voters althe July primary election.J. This year willmark the second consecutive yearI the locals have entered the state| tourney in the annals of Apache hisj tory. To conduct said business abovespecified in any and all branchesand ramifications and to do suchbusiness in any and all places inthe United States and in the territories of the United States and allforeign countries, either as principal,agent, director or otherwise.11. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 24, 1940, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Copyright 2023 NewsBank, Inc. 5801 Pelican Bay Blvd. Following play, dainty refreshments wereserved, and score prizes awardedMrs. 1914, in Lordsburg, N.M. She was predeceased by her husband, Javier A. Mazon. Many old Nogales International obits used initials instead of full names. Cars leave church at 5:15 A. M.Bible school, 10 A. M,Morning worship, 11 A, M. Sermon by pastor, The Resurrection ofJesus, A Christian Fundamental.Solo by Mrs. Duane Bird On TheCross.Special number by choir.Junior and Senior B. Y. P. Us.6:45 P. M.Evening worship, 7:45 P. M.Sermon by pastor, Eight NewTestament Resurrections.Special number by choir.Bible study, Book of Romans, Friday, 7:45 P. M.We cordially invite you to worship with us.W. James A. Dixon, Dr. The Nogales International wastewater treatment plant was first conceived in 1943 to provide a regional approach to the issue of wastewater treatment and disposal. [volume] (Nogales, Ariz.) 1926-1979, February 08, 1946, Image 1, brought to you by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. She attended a boarding school while inher teens and some years later became one of the best known personsin the cattle business of the Southwest.a matter of character assassination.Henry G. Boice, Tucson, wasnamed head of the committee ofcattlemen to investigate a taxpayers league plan and possibly form astate wide organization of that nature in Arizona.A resolution condemning the continuation of reciprocal trade treaties also was passed by the delegates.They said cattle herds in the United States were increasing steadilyand that continuation of reciprocaltrade agreements would force cattle prices down.Speakers charged that the theoryof reciprocal trade treaties being afactor toward world peace was false.They raid there was no more relation between peace and reciprocal(Turn to Page Four) ,Tumacacori National Monument107,900 PoundsArizona Wool| Shipped EastPHOENIX, Feb. 23(UP) Approximately 107,000 pounds of woolwere shipped to an eastern corporation this week, Jerrie W. Lee,secretary of the Arizona Wool Growers Association, reported today.The woolthree freight carloadsof it was sent without a pricequotation. The main news page for the Nogales International Newspaper in Nogales, AZ to include local and national news highlights.