One of them is indeed a Levite. Church, Jesus willingly laid down His life. PDF The Obedience of Obed-edom - Pulpit Pages Theyve been under law for centuries, having been taught the Torah practically from birth. Who is Obed-Edom? - Daily Devotion | Reblogged this on emmausroadministries and commented: Why did God bless this Gentile man who had the Ark of the Covenant in his house for the space of only 3 months? This time, there was also singing, but notice there is no mention of All their might. No self-righteousness. Jesus needs to be broughtBACK TO THE CENTER. For more on that topic, you may follow the link below: You see, the greater your appreciation of the blood of Jesus, the bigger revelation of Him, THE GREATER YOUR BLESSINGS!!! . Voir les versets relatifs. "red")= "one who causes to blush." He made David blush for shame because the latter was at first afraid to receive the Ark, whereas Obededom took it into his house without hesitation (Num. He preferred the Presence of the Lord this much. B. We see this in the life of Caleb, who at the age of eighty-five, declared that he was physically strong and ready to claim the land that God had promised the Israelites (Josh. Im so blessed with this great message. You are king-priests! And in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may that blessing be so manifested that people would talk about it, that you're someone to be envied, that they will desire the God that you servethat wonderful Savior, Jesus Christthat they will hunger after Him. <>>> The Lesson of Uzza "And David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets." 1 Chron. Not only that, but chayil is also a picture of wealth. DAVID . Using Logos, we know that the name Obed Edom occurs 18 times in the Old Testament. And the first area in your life where you may have breaches (broken parts) in that He wants to restore is your family. David as a young boy, probably about 17 years old, had heardthat the Ark of the Lord was in Kirjath Jearim at the house of Abinadab. OUT AMONG THE PEOPLE! An Attitude of Fear (10) . NLT The Ark of the Lord remained there in Obed-edom's house for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and his entire household. He wasnt murdered. With all that in mind, lets continue with our story. He feared God, and acknowledged him. It explained and confirmed a lot of things in my Spirit. Or get access to this sermon and over a thousand more more when you subscribe, Get access to this sermon and over thousands, Or unlock access to this sermon and hundreds, JP App But..he returned with priests properly consecrated and educated on how to carry the Ark of God: On their shoulders. Lets look at the rest of the pieces to this puzzle to understand why this incident happened at all. Let us love one another, for love comes from God and every one who loves is a child of God and knows God. TWELVE MILES! If this obededom had been a jew, what would have been diferent in the typological perspective of this account? The theme of the year video is played on screen. Pastor Prince shares a word of wisdom for those concerned about growing older. Choices When I speak you should do that . That may have bee a typo. My personal mission is to lead adult Christ disciples to engage the world with sound and biblical reasoning. But Gods Word doesnt stop there, it also ministers life and healing to all our flesh (Prov. I also need help on the question of why did David choose Obededom of all pipo around. Is it this church is your affiliate church ? Even Phinehas wife, upon hearing the news, was traumatically induced into labor and died in childbirth, but not before she named the child Ichabod meaning, The glory is departed from Israel.. Your email address will not be published. God was pleased and He blessed Obed-Edom. Prophetic Word: The Blessing of the House of Obed-Edom | Kathryn We are sons and daughters who have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but have received the Spirit of sonship through Jesus (Rom. What a sacrifice to God in heaven! He decided to abandon the effort of bringing the ark to Jerusalem., For now we see through a glass darkly, but soon face to face.. He was so afraid he decided he wasn't going to go any further. This teaching was an answer to prayer for me on both topics. It stayed there for three months, and God blessed him and his household. This is a picture of having communion, in remembrance of the Lords death, every Sunday. Sin doesnt stop revival from happening, rather, revival happens in the midst of sin (Rom. Obed Edom is a picture of believers who have a bigger picture and a greater understanding of His blood and what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. Took care of it and its contents. When carried on the shoulders of the priests, howeverTHERIGHT WAYGod HIMSELF actually helped because, if He didnt, even the priests wouldnt be able to carry it. Join Daniel King to learn how the remarkable story of a little-known Bible hero contains the key to releasing God's favor on you and your family. 5:4). Shortly after, she received news that her apartment was rented out even without the tenant coming to view the place in person. Some people think it is because of praise and worship that brought Gods blessing. Required fields are marked *. 33:25 KJV). We must fight to get to Jesus through the crowds of people pointing us other directions, fall at his feet and implore him. Youd be wrong. However, Gods Word promises us that we shall experience the oppositeas our days progress, we shall have increased strength. The Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom 4,5. Ver. I will check it out and correct it if necessary. ]#"M f%w&H. Butwhy in the world did he follow their example? . Psalm 16:11. It wasnt until many years later, when David was King of Israel, however, that he was able to accomplish his life-long dream. all his household There are two accounts of the ark in Obed-Edoms house, and both accounts speak of the abundant blessings that came upon all that Obed-Edom had. I failed to do something just a few moments ago, and I want to rectify that, now. Thank you! Topical Bible: Obededom Credits, Gift a GP Why God killed Uzzah and blessed Obed- Edom: A lesson for everyone Thus, Obed . OBED-EDOM (Heb. Some of the answers to the questions above, and maybe even some you didnt think to ask, are found by understanding the typologies in this story. El sirvi a Jehov y su descendencia tambin. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom to the city of David with rejoicing; and when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and a fatling. Let us follow after Gods ways, and we will see His blessings and favor follow after us. This story demonstrates how much He hates self righteousness. 2 Samuel 6:11 - Bible Gateway From bad attitude to aNEW ATTITUDE,he is recharged! News of its capture came to the old priest, Eli, froma young man of the tribe of Benjamin. He evidently lived in a different Gath along the road to Jerusalem. Wow! When God Looks down and Sees the blood, He passed over us. You know: Half man, half fish. And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power (koach) to get wealth (chayil). Deuteronomy 8:18 NKJV. But God didnt cut His own people any slack. He's only mentioned a few times in the Bible. God had ordained that the ark was to be moved in a very specific manner. The last time this name appears is in 2 Chronicles 25:24 but by then, this was several generations after him. 2. As long as Jesus is there making intercession for us, we get to enjoy the blessings that He deserves. Many believers today are committing the sin of Beth Shemesh by trying to justify themselves by the law. . Maybe he went back to church or read his Bible. In either cases, this implies that Obed Edom mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15 onward is definitely not the same person. este Obed-edom del final del versculo 38 con el Obed-edom que figura al comienzo del mismo versculo. The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). 2 0 obj He died instantly. The Ark of the Covenant Removed from. Required fields are marked *. Remember Obed Edom? 5 Critical Lessons From Noah's Ark | John Barrett Blog All this time I have missed . All the bad we deserved, He took at the cross, and all the good He deserves, we get to enjoy today. Hello you really try, well done, but there is confusion on obed edom that u mentioned is gentiles because one of the account said from gatite,but what of the one that Bible call a gatekeeper, musician, and his son was also dookeeper, can you simply find the main truth about them very well, because ordinary person can not stand in the front of ark of God. Yes, he was willing to be a simple doorkeeper and attendant in the service of the Lord. When the Ark was present, the people knew God was with them. . We see the method was never to change as revealed in I Chronicles 15:15. Wow, got to say this one is really deep. I came back to it this morning when I ran across your article. Very graphic picture of Davids new-found appreciation. The Ark remained in Obed-Edom's house for three months and for three months the Lord blessed Obed-Edom, his family, and all that pertained to him (2 Samuel 6:11, 1 Chronicles 13:14).He experienced a season of EXPONENTIAL GROWTH, everything he touched multiplied. Pastor Prince shares a testimony from a lady, who after hearing about the theme of the year being Rest and Acceleration, trusted God for her newly-renovated apartment to be rented out to a good tenant. This type of fear brings bondage, and it is not the fear of God that God wants us to have. ]"), the name of two biblical figures. After consulting with their own priests, they put together a trespass offering (smart move ) and put it on an ox cart pulled by two milk cowsnursing mothers, in other words. We cannot addANYTHINGto it. We must come before the Lord with a pure heart, and an attitude of fear and reverence. There are actually four different men named Obed Edom in scripture. Experience they say is the best teacher, it is only a fool that keep failing on the same spot. Obed-edom = "servant of Edom" 1) a Levite and a Gittite who kept the ark after Uzzah was slain by God for touching the ark while it was being taken to Jerusalem 2) a Merarite Levite and a singer and gatekeeper 2a) the family descended from him 5654 `Obed 'Edowm o-bade' ed-ome' Obed-Edom son of Jeduthun, and also Hosah, were gatekeepers. He sure has. (6 votes) Very easy. Have a blessed day! Wow! Among all the furniture in the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant is the clearest representation of the person of Jesus and His presence. He is holy and just, and we must approach Him in recognition of His holiness! The whole time David was afraid of God, Obed-Edom was being greatly blessed. I. Both Hophni and Phinehas were killed in the battle on that day that the Ark taken captive.. . able (chayil) men The Hebrew word for able is chayil, which means virtuous and is the same Hebrew word used in Proverbs 31 to describe a virtuous woman (Prov. The Ark is a picture of Jesus, of course..His presence, His Person, and His work! Obed-Edom - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Its our Uzzahour self-effortthat stops us from receiving all that God has for us, not our sins. "And they cause the ark of God to ride on a new cart, and lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which is in the height, and Uzzah and Ahio, sons of Abinadab are leading the new cart;" ( 2 Samuel 6:3 ). Once a year the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat, depicting Jesus blood Sacrifice to save all of us. People talking about Gods blessings in your life is another way of spreading the good news so that others will be drawn to the God you serve. Its no less deadly. Davids desire to bring the ark to Mount Zion is a message to the church today: bring Jesus back to the center of our lives (e.g. This will also mean that he is most likely the same person mentioned in 1 Chronicles 15 onwards. The ark represented the presence of God. I am so blessed by your teaching. I really didnt fit in because of my background. As such,they are a typology of RIGHTEOUSNESS BY WORKS. Sunday: 9AM - 12:30PMSunday Evening: 5PM - 6PM Obed-Edom named each of his sons in honor of God's blessing on his household. Hear me now: There are NO ERRORS in the Bible. It depicts the Lords death. An example of how we trust in our own strength is by trying to keep the law to earn Gods blessings, to achieve our breakthroughs, or to overcome sinful habits. Scriptures: The name first appeared in 2 Sam 6:10-12. The Tabernacle of David being rebuilt has got to do with us. 16:5, 38; 15:18, 21, 24. The people, understandably, were overjoyed to see the Ark returned to them at last! Taught by Stephen Armstrong We're in the middle of studying several chapters in 2 Samuel that summarize the success David had in ruling Israel during the early years of his reign God was working to bless David personally and He was at work blessing the nation through David both militarily and religiously God spoke to me about this and as I researched and saw this I knew the answer. ; "the servant of *Adam [the deity? When David was a young man, he dreamed of bringing the ark to the center place of Gods people (Ps. Somehow, he managed to influence about 68 of his household and relatives 1 Chron. 7Then the anger of theLordwas aroused against Uzzah,andGod struck him there forhiserror; and he died there by the ark of God. Tuesday(women class): 5PM - 6PM What does it all mean? Denomination: The other two include a gatekeeper (1 Chronicles 26:8), and a guardian of the sacred vessels (2 Chronicles 25:24). Who is Obed-Edom? - eBible Obed-Edom and his household had their eyes and hearts fixed on the Ark of God for three months. This is the missing piece in the Church today. Every pen stroke in the Scriptues holds meaningthe depth, width length and breadth of eachis of an unimaginable scale. The Shofar is the horn made from a male sheep. 1 Chron. 16:38). What was that all about? His fear had come because of the great tragedy experienced while moving the ark. Thirdly, even if Obed Edom in 2 Sam 6:10-12 was not a Jew, it could not have been the same person in 1 Chronicles 15. Another mention of the name happened in 1 Chronicles 26:15, talking about the allotment of Obed Edoms duty. This is so powerful I exploded in tears after reading it and I also had that question why was Obed blessed and abinadab wasnt. 10:22). Otherwise, battered and bruised though He was, His physical body would not have been able to die. 11:2526), He was showing us the importance of valuing His blood. Again, there is a typology here. When Jesus took the cup of the Communion and said to His disciples, This cup is the new covenant in my blood. The Strange Case of Obed-Edom - Cornerstone Community Church The Obedience Of Obed-Edom - Sermon Central Because of the blood on the mercy seat, all of Israel could expect blessings on their households and victory over their enemies to go on for another year. I used the word hypsoo and the words logos and rhema as the case studies. He totally allowed the power of God to change him to the point that his priority was on the worship of God and nothing else iii. Obed-edom the Gittite - Bible Tales Online Grace is higher than the law, for the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). Y estuvo el arca de Jehov en casa de Obed . Who was Obed-Edom? God's reward flowed onto his family and allowed him access to generational blessings. Though some choices are bad, yet we can learn great lessons from it. 12 Bible Verses about Obed-edom? - BiblePortal A preacher in a conference I attended talked about Obed Edom being everywhere in the records of 1 Chronicles. He had to stand there and wait there for a few minutes until they were able to get back on their feet and compose themselves, probably because Jesus did not allow them to get up. God will never be used as a superstitious good luck charm to overcompensate for the evil lives of those who attempt such a folly. John 18:4-5 says: Jesus therefore, knowing all things that wold come upon Him, went forward and said to them, Whom are you seeking? They answered Him, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus said two them, I AM He. And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. A couple questions come to mind right off the bat like, Why did the oxen stumble (#1) and why did God strike down Uzzah, who was only trying to help? (#2). They are, so to speak, lost in the woods of their own doctrines. And this coming week, the Lord grant to you and yours His wonderful shalom, wholeness, peace, and tranquility to lead and govern your lives. Amen. What? King David wholeheartedly desired to bring the Ark of God back to where it belonged, a desire that pleased God very much. John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The sons of Shemaiah were . If Obed Edom was a Levite living in Gath-rimmon, then it makes a lot of sense for David to deposit the ark at his house in the 2 Sam 6:10-12 episode. Be sure to sign up to get updates on the latest sermon notes by Team JP. 26:8). 132:6), while King Saul who was in authority at that time had no interest in the ark at all. They are mutually exclusive. You would think theyd have known better than to look inside the Ark, right? 31:10). There is information about her in both. Every 6 paces is a picture of having communion every 7th day; in other words every week, corporately,plus people making use of communion in their daily lives. Obed's mother, Ruth, was a Moabitess who immigrated to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Obed-Edom in the Bible - Definition, Meaning and References His gracw is BEYOND AMAZING! As we consider the passage before us, it is important to remember that the ark of God represented His power and presence to the nation of Israel. After that whole fiasco, the men of Beth Shemesh were terrified..understandably! Lol this story wrecked me when I found out all the details because it spoke to my situation. When the oxen-pulled cart first arrived in Israel, it encountered the town of Beth Shemesh.