Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Complex Hidden for Centuries, Mysteries of the Grand Canyon: Pyramids and Ancient Civilizations. Some of the entrances are found on planetary grid points indwells and outwells of energy. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. For one, there was a layer of basalt, known as the Conrad Discontinuity, completely missing, while the presence of water was detected where it shouldnt have been. for PC 15,339 views May 23, 2014 Came also out for: .more .more Like Dislike Share Save Highretrogamelord 10.9K subscribers Subscribe Comments 6. Follow us on social media to add even more wonder to your day. The Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people (a Turkish ethnic group native to Central Asia) as Janaidar. Is that a silly question? We did LiDAR, which is an airborne laser marking technique. All rights reserved. According to Teeds thinking, humans were actually living on the inside of the Hollow Earth, looking up at the universe, which itself was just an illusion created by a strange solar mechanism. While very short, the video shows what would appear to be a giant swirling opening in Earth, a luminous orange glow seemingly pulling the atmosphere down inside, as if it were a black hole. He also posited that the space between each shell may have had luminous atmospheres capable of supporting life. Description In Agharta: The Hollow Earth, set in 1926, the player takes the role of a nameless pilot who gets hired to find a famous scientist who disappeared during an expedition to the North Pole.But after a crash he finds himself in a mysterious underworld, the hollow earth. [3], The legend of Agartha remained mostly obscure in Europe until Grard Encausse edited and re-published a detailed 1886 account by the nineteenth-century French occultist Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), Mission de l'Inde en Europe,[4] The Naga are a highly advanced race with cutting-edge technology. The King of this world is believed to have given orders to the Dalai Lama of Tibet, who is his terrestrial representative. Many of these stories used the theories of Halley and Symmes as jumping off points for tales of weird prehistoric jungles and highly advanced, lost races of humans. This inner world is sometimes called or associated with Agartha, a legendary city at the Earths core often tied to Eastern mysticism. In Tibetan Buddhism, there is the secret, mystical city of Shambhala located somewhere deep in the Himalayas that many have searched for, including Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich, though no one is known to have found it. Some experiments of the Third Reich show a belief the Earth was concave, and that we reside on the interior of a sphere. A game that hyped as crazy . The book described the Earth as being hollow, with a sun in the center. Is the 'Dragon Man' Skull Actually a New Human Ancestor? Its best claim to be an "adventure" game lies in the intriguing plot (which soon transforms into a neat example of how a hollow-Earth theory may work) and exploring element. Hollow Earth, which is often referred to as the civilization of . The videos description claims that viewers of this footage are looking into the 5th dimension. A portal to an inner paradise.. All Rights Reserved. The rabbit hole goes deep here, with some going so far as to posit that Hitler could have escaped to this underground world, though that might be counter-intuitive if an ancient enlightened society resided down there. Agharta is a bizarre action-adventure game packed with some unique and breathtaking graphics developed with some amazing 3D engine that simulates very real looking fogs, light effects and glows. Some say it was Afghanistan, others say it was India.. You will spend most of your time trying to defend yourself against hostile animals that range from penguins, mysterious arctic apes, to more exotic opponents. An early twentieth-century proponent of hollow Earth, William Reed, wrote Phantom of the Poles in 1906. Agartha was said to be a haven for the population of vanished continents. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. There have been attempts to drill down as far as possible to see whats there, and the. Symmes continued to campaign, giving lectures and publishing letters about the Hollow Earth, always angling for an expedition to the North Pole that would prove his theory. About Unfortunately, the intriguing premise and great graphics cannot save the game from its banal and repetitive gameplay. The lengthy Atlantean-Lemurian war and the power of thermonuclear weaponry is what many believe eventually sank and destroyed these two highly advanced civilizations. The Mongol raised his hands in a gesture of adoration and repeated the sacred phrase: The other Mongols immediately stopped their camels and began to pray. No one knows where they found the entrance. Many believe its entrance lies at the North Pole, a legend popularized by John Cleves Symmes, Jr., who strongly advocated an expedition into the arctic back in the early 1800s. According to Agartha - Secrets of the Subterranean Cities, the story, written by Willis Emerson, explains how Jansen's sloop sailed through an entrance to the Earth's interior at the North Pole. that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world. The Hollow Earth. Winner will be selected at random on 04/01/2023. The ambassador returned with a letter for the Dalai Lama of Ohasa. This is an outstanding proof of the existence of the Agartha kingdom of Inner Earth. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in the late 17th century, the notion was disproven, first tentatively by Pierre Bouguer in 1740, then definitively by Charles Hutton in his Schiehallion experiment around 1774.. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. Agharta: The Hollow Earth (German version!) The entrance of this tunnel was guarded by lamas who were sworn to secrecy. The interior of the earth was said to be inhabited by a disease-free, long lived race of fruitarians. According to an alleged diary entry written during his polar flight, Byrd came across a warm, lush climate with Mammoth-like creatures and an ancient human race that had been residing within the Earth. When I asked him to tell me how many persons visitedAgartha, the lama answered: A great number, but most of those who are there maintain the secret as long as they live. , that his expedition taught him the U.S. should prepare for the possibility of hostile planes coming from the polar regions as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience. Many took this to be evidence of the flying craft he saw coming from what is believed to have been Agartha. Starlink Satellites Once Again Confused For UFOs Or Santa Claus? He contended that the Elder Race, or Titans, came to this planet from another solar system in our prehistoric past. For one, there was a layer of basalt, known as the Conrad Discontinuity, completely missing, while the presence of water was detected where it shouldnt have been. These alleged Agarthans expressed their concern about humanitys use of atomic bombs during WWII and employed Byrd as their ambassador to return to the U.S. government and relay their sentiment. But most of these underground domains were more allegorical and religious tools used to deter people from sinning rather than realms actively being sought out. For two years he lived with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who, Emerson writes, were a full 12 feet tall and whose world was lit by a smoky central sun. Many believe this ancient race to be of the same lineage as the ancient civilizations from Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu that were wiped out by war and cataclysmic events, driving them underground to Agartha. Dr. R. W. Bernard. They are the descendants of Lemuria and those of Atlantis who had remained faithful to the Light. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. You do this mostly by throwing rocks (yes, rocks) at them, and while you can collect better weapons later on in the game, they are few and far between. Their science is the most advanced and purest. If it is to be believed this story covers Byrds inaugural flight over the North Pole, then one need only look at the actual date when he achieved this feat more than 20 years earlier on May 9, 1926. Some say it was Afghanistan, others say it was India., All inhabitants of this region are protected against evil, and no crime exists within its boundaries. See. Symmes devoted the rest of his life garnering support for a hollow earth expedition, but fell sick during a trip to Quebec to give a lecture on his theory. If you have trouble to FAQ 3 Reviews. A group of survivors, Led by Noah, found refuge in the highlands of Brazil (then an Atlantean colony), where they constructed subterranean cities, connected by tunnels to the surface, to prevent destruction by radioactive fallout and flood. This book provides an early compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is Hollow with openings at its poles. Thus begins your long action packed adventure along with you faithful pet dog as your sidekick to aid you in solving different puzzles and difficulties as and when required. 2023 Atlas Obscura. All living beings, seized with fear, prostrate themselves. Conventional wisdom says that there's a molten core of metals at the center of the earth, 700 miles across. In the Middle Ages, it was referred to as the isle of Avalon, where the Knights of the Round Table, under the leadership of King Arthur and under the Guidance of the magician Merlin, went in search of the Holy Grail, symbol of obedience, justice and immortality. Before Verne, the hollow Earth concept was originally proposed in the 17th century by Edmond Halley, discoverer of the eponymous short-orbit comet that swings past Earth every 75 years or so. Metallic Sasquatch Leads to Flat Tire In Montana, [Trailer] Explore the Lost Continent of Mu In Expedition Agartha. Also in the earliest Vedic times, it was called by various names, such as Ratnasanu (peak of the precious stone), Hermadri (mountain of gold) and Mount Meru (home of the gods and Olympus of the Hindus). The mythical paradise of Shamballa is known under many different titles. Using this technique we found Aguada Fnix, which is the oldest monumental construction in the Maya area, Inomata said. Modern science holds that the Earth is an unbroken series of layers, crusts, and liquid magma surrounding a dense, hot core made primarily of iron and nickel. Later, near Nogan Lake, I was shown by Soyota a door that a hunter entered into this region and, after he returned told of his visit. If there is a topic youd like to learn more about, please let us know. They didnt have much marked social inequalities, so those people gathered and organized themselves, then made these huge constructions. Perhaps the authorities have suppressed this as well. Some believe Shambhala could potentially be connected to Agartha. The lamas found vestiges of these men in all parts and in inscriptions on rocks; and saw remains of the wheels of their vehicles. Those who were more spiritual and were forewarned escaped in time to Brazil, where, it is claimed, they or their descendants still live in subterranean cities. It is there that scientists first discovered Aquada Fnix, the largest and oldest-known Mayan construction. A similar tunnel was believed to connect the secret chambers at the base of thegreat pyramid at Giza, and Agartha. irrefutable evidence that the entrance to Agharta. We found nearly 500 ceremonial complexes, which look like Aguada Fnix, although they are not as big. 1, declaring to the world that the Earth is hollow. -3 points. The Lama Gelong, favorite of Prince Choulton Beyil, gave me a description of the subterranean World., More than six thousand years ago, he said, a holy man disappeared into the earth accompanied by a tribe of people and never returned to its surface. What they did find showed we really dont know exactly whats down there. The Zone of Silence: An Ancient Mystery of Old Mexico, Ancient Sound Technology; The Breath of Creation. This book provides an early compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. While Shamballa the Lesser is an inner continent, its satellite colonies are smaller enclosed ecosystems located just beneath the Earths crust or discreetly within mountains. [4] Thorsten Wiesner of German site Golem thought the game had a good story with a lot of wasted potential. Gameplay follows that of a traditional point-and-click adventure title. Some believe Shambhala could potentially be connected to Agartha. in some parts of the globe as the continuation of Jules Verne "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in digital form .oh dear . Some have connected the Hindu land of ryvarta, or abode of the excellent ones, a land ruled by a supernal race thousands of years before the great war laid out in the Mahabharata. The Scandinavian Eddas also mention this celestial city, which was in the subterranean land of Asar of the peoples of Mesopotasmia. The Spanish Conquerors who came to America believed in the existence of such a city and organized many expeditions to find it, calling it El Dorado, or City of Gold. Its origins lie in ancient mythology, and even some well-known scientists have mused that the earth is hollow. It is well-documented that the Nazis explored arctic regions to set up bases and test novel weaponry, but it is also well-documented that Hitler and the Nazis were obsessed with esotericism and the occult. The ancient writings of the Chinese, Egyptians, and Eskimos speak of a great opening in the North and of a race of people who live under the Earths crust. These holes, his unique addition to Hollow Earth theory, would even come to be known as Symmes Holes.. According to Platos account, Atlantis was submerged by a series of inundations which came to a climax about 11,500 years ago. I then commenced to understand this legend, this hypothesis, this collective vision, which no matter how we interpret it, conceals not only a mystery but a real force which governs and influences the course of the political life of Asia. Karl Haushofer and Rudolf Hess, who he says were correct about the hollow-Earth theory. Hidden worlds beneath the surface of the earth figured prominently in ancient beliefs. Buddhist theory suggests there to be a race of supermen and superwomen who occasionally come to the surface to oversee the development of the human race. After a time of living on the surface, they realized our sun was causing them to age prematurely, so they escaped underground, building huge subterranean complexes in which to live. Modern belief in the Hollow Earth theory can be a bit hard to pin down, encompassing such disparate subjects as the Northern Lights and even an escaping Hitler, but despite the variations a few themes do seem to be common among Hollow Earth truthers. The location where the Koreshan community made their home is now protected as the Koreshan State Historic Site, while Ohios Hollow Earth Monument is dedicated to Symmes work. first! [6], In his 1922 book Beasts, Men and Gods, the Polish explorer Ferdynand Ossendowski relates a story which was imparted to him concerning a subterranean kingdom existing inside the Earth. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. When the Olets destroyed Lhasa, one of their regiments, in the mountains of the southwest, reached the limits ofAgarthaand were then instructed in mysterious sciences, for which reason the Olets and Talmuts continued to live there for centuries. With only your loyal dog Murphy by your side, you must now continue the search on foot, unaware of the spectacular dangers and beauty that await. The capital city of Agartha is known as Shamballa, but sometimes known as Shambalah or Shangri-La. Adventure | fantasy | Isometric view | interwar period, developer: Aniware His palace is surrounded by the palaces of the Gurus, who control the invisible and visible forces of the earth, from its interior to the sky, and are lords of life and death. It has been called: Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones) the land from which the Vedas come. Try it only if you enjoy exploring pretty 3D landscapes, or have and urge to collect any game that has the word "adventure" printed on the box. This really makes us think about the development and possibility of human societies, not just about Mesoamerica, but about human societies in general.. Writer, blogger, and part-time peddler of mysterious tales. Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti, Agarath,[1] Agarta, Agharta, or Agarttha) is a legendary kingdom that is said to be located on the inner surface of the Earth. It is, or so they say, the first (and perhaps only) of its kind. The ends justify the means and all that blather. The Nagas, according to The Deep Dwellers, are described as a very advanced race or species, with highly-developed technology. The Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. It reminds one of Lhasa, where the temple of the Dalai Lama rises on top of a mountain surrounded by temples and monasteries. Agharta is a 1975 live double album by American jazz trumpeter, composer, and bandleader Miles Davis.By the time he recorded the album, Davis was 48 years old and had alienated many in the jazz community while attracting younger rock audiences with his radical electric fusion music. The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. I obtained more detailed information from Houtouktou jelyl Djamsrap de Narabanch Kure. What LiDAR revealed was groundbreaking. Although few really believed the story, and many suspect that Shaver may actually have been psychotic, Shaver always averred that his story was true. Do These Legendary Tombs Reveal the Presence of Giants in Sardinia? There have been attempts to drill down as far as possible to see whats there, and the Kola Superdeep Borehole made it about 7 miles. And besides, there are not many inventory items in the game anyway - I counted less than 15, most of which are either keys or weapons. During his lengthy run on Coast to Coast AM, he interviewed guests and bravely took unscreened calls, leading his audience. Even in the 19th century, Symmes theories were greeted with derision from the public and scientific community, but he would not be silenced. - September 26, 2022 Legend has it that there's a city beneath the Earth whose inhabitants live in an ultra-technological haven. To a number of culturesthe ancient Greeks for oneit is a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. Many of these are places of purgatory where dead spirits reside, rather than a society currently flourishing. The Legend of Agartha Hidden worlds beneath the surface of the earth figured prominently in ancient beliefs. According to the legend, they wage war on the kingdom of Agharta. Patala is the seventh layer of the underworld in Hindu scriptures and is ruled by the nagas, a half-human, half-reptilian species who are depicted with jeweled hoods that light their realm. (they were the ancestors of the gypsies). In each century the sages of China unite in a secret place near the sea and on the backs of a hundred large turtles that come out of the ocean they write the conclusions of the divine science of their century., This brings to my mind a story that was related to me by an old Chinese attendant in the Temple of heaven in Pekin. Central Asian Buddhists spoke in muted tones of the kingdom of Agartha (also spelled Aghartha), made up of a worldwide labyrinth of subterranean passages. There is ample evidence the Nazis spent a lot of resources searching for Agartha as a last resort for Hitler to escape in case of dire emergency, somewhat warranting these conspiracies. The air vibrates sweetly and one hears a song that penetrates to the hearts of all men, animals and birds. When Did the Americas Actually Become Inhabited? In a bizarre 1942 experiment conducted by Nazi scientist. It was still occasionally defended through the mid-19th . Kola Superdeep Borehole made it about 7 miles. The grant was shot down, but Symmes belief in the inner Earth never died. The Old Ones, an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced race, Steiger writes, have chosen to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet and manufacture all their necessities., The Old Ones are hominid, extremely long-lived, and pre-date Homo sapiens by more than a million years.